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When Evil really does win!

A new fast paced card game for aspiring Evil Overlords, coming the 29th of April 2024 to Kickstarter.

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Heroes of the Sealening
Heroes of the Sealening logo
A steaming pile of adventure!

A Norsepunk board game where it finally pays off to be a bastard!

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Game mockup Final – Box front

Kickstarter successful!

With 154% funded, our campaign on Kickstarter were a resounding success! We have said this several times, but again, a…
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Big Evil:101 updates

Evil:101 published! It has been a long journey, but we here at Tombs Foundry can now declare that we have…

What have we done??

It has been a few weeks since we came home from Essen, and we have somewhat calmed down and managed…


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